Our Proud Volunteers
Our wonderful volunteers are 17 years of age and older. They are unselfishly giving of their time. We at EmmysFaceMasks.com are honored and grateful to have them as part of our team. We welcome you to become a part of our village/family that is giving our communities the gift of their kindness; the gift of Hope; the gift of joy; and the gift of their unconditional caring and love.
During these challenging times, in order to reach our goal of donating over 2,500 face masks locally and in other states, we continue to need the help of volunteers with the skill of making face masks. In addition, we are in need of sponsors. Sponsors for in-kind donations (fabric/thread, etc.) as well as monetary funds which will be for sewing, shipping and handling supplies. We thank you in advance for your time and generosity.
E. Carrier – Connecticut
D. Mokriski
(Donated $50 for supplies and shipping materials)
Private Residence – Cailfornia
Sheila Hamilton – Maryland
David Grady – Virginia